Monday, November 2, 2009

Biblical Hospitality

I have become a daily reader of a blog called At the Well - Pursing Titus 2. Its has been a simple step for me that has taken my relationship with my Heavenly Father to a new level. I am learning, through God's Word, how to find the balance in life I have been seeking lately. I feel very confident that am currently in God's Will. So, I knew I could find a solution to the internal problem I faced: "How can I be an effective Christian (1st calling), Wife (2nd calling), Mother (3rd calling), and Teacher (4th Calling) - and do them all at the same time.

I struggled with growing in my own salvation WHILE helping others to grow. I know some of you do not read my blog for this, but I feel a strong calling that this is where I need to begin writing.

Each week the blog At The Well has a discussion section. I am going to start participating with the expectation that God will bless us both~

Gathering At the Well

For discussion:
  • What excuses have you used lately to justify not "entertaining" in you home?

First, I should say that this IS a Biblical issue. To understand my perspective, you must first understand that I believe the Bible to contain ALL of the wisdom needed to run your daily life, It gives advice on everything!! We must not view having people into our home as a "social" thing and start viewing it as a God or ministry thing. God commands us to SHOW our faith to others. If you have friends who need to see Christ, what better place to do this than in your own home. Despite all of these benefits, we still hold back on entertaining and receiving guest in our home. Why? I am going to list my personal excuses and you can feel free to ad your own.

1) The house is too messy.
2) I have too much to do.
3) The house is too small.
4) I don't have the time.
5) I don't have the money.
6) It might mess up my schedule/routine.

  • What are some steps you can take to prepare your home to have others over?I

I have been very convicted lately about the state of my home. Yes, I said convicted. I feel that God's Word outlines my duty as one of homemaker - even though God has given me an outside job as well. I should still be the director and one in charge of keeping our home. It is usually clean, but rarely tidy. So, we have been working on a routine and chore rotation that motivates everyone in the family to take part in caring for our home. I, of course, am the director of this program.

I realized that I have let my need to control certain things contol me and that has added presure to - yes, ME! So, I took as step back to see what tasks I might delagate to the kids. Carys usually takes showers by herself. I have taught her to bathe, but I still wash her hair. I do this beacuse I have been too cheep to buy tear-free shampoo and therefore I must help her - time I am waisting. Justin has been working with Sawyer on bathing on his own so that one of use can be getting ready or cleaning in the bathroom with him, therefore saving time! I have also been working with Carys on making the bed, sorting laundry, folding laundry and putting it away. Why did I not do this before??

So, these are some steps I have taken to help eliminate the idea that our home is not tidy for company and make better use of my time. (excuse one, two, and four-gone)

  • What are some steps you need to take to prepare your heart for an attitude?

I realized that all of my other excuses have to do with my attitude.

The house is too small - we are takling about enteratining a FEW people in order that they might see God in our home. There are millions of people who do not have a home at all right now. I need to change the attitude of my heart to one of thanksgiving and using what He has blessed me with, to serve others.

I don't have the money - again, I am BLESSED! I just received a new job with a significant increase in pay. But besides that, the money is God's anyway so I should use it for His service. And, this type of entertainment is not to show off my culinary skills with four complete courses! I am trying to show off my GOD to these guest so a good pot of soup will do just fine. I decided to buy extra ingredients for a pot of chili to keep in the cabinet for entertaining purposes only!

It might mess up my schedule/routine - Are you kidding? It is perfectly acceptable to carry on our daily routines with company there. In fact, that might be why God sent them my way. To see my family pray together, read our Bibles, do our chores, love each other, etc. Would you be offended if you were at my home and I asked to be excused to move a load of laundry, help a child with homework, or pray with the kids before bed. No, you might even be blessed by this sight!

So, lets all stop making excuses, lets take action to prepare our homes to be used for God's purpose and begin to pray for help with our attitude problems, and for God to send us someone to minister to!

~Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me Ps 51:10~

1 comment:

Phillips Family said...

Hi Alison, hope you and your family are doing well! Check out my blog when you get a chance, you've been awarded.