Monday, November 23, 2009

Thank You Lord...

For Ability

1 Peter 4:11
If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen

Ability is something I think about on an regular basis. First, my job as a Gifted and Talented teacher is to seek out those who have unique abilities and help them develop those abilities. An a Christian, I recognize that each of these abilities come directly from the Father.

Also, as a wife - help mate to my husband - I am also in constant prayer over the abilities of my husband. We prayed last spring for God to protect the industry in which he works. As someone who works for an hourly wage, each day and hour of work is precious. God answered this prayer and Justin worked many long hours through the summer and fall of this year. Even this week, he has worked long hours to hopefully extend his Thanksgiving break into Friday of this week. He needs the ability to work, and to rest. But he, as any good father, takes his role as Daddy very serious. Therefore, he needs the ability to play and even direct the discipline in our home. Again, my prayer is for ability.

As a mother, I seek out the abilites of my children to help them further develop these talents and direct them toward use in service for God. The abilities they have and will have are very important to me and God.

When I think about the ability God has given me, I am humbled. Do I use these abilities to thier full potential everyday? This is my challange to myself, today.

Thank you Lord for the abilities and talent you bestow upon me. Guide me in using these talents to honor You and benifit Your work.

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