Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Rather than making the ever so common “New Year’s Resolutions” I decided to make a few “Life Commitments.” I decided that these would be things only devoted to Faith and Family, and that they would be things I would work at each day. Tonight, I was reminded of how God uses so many things in our lives to speak to us, even dirty dishes.

Three of my commitment worked together to bring me hear what God wanted me to know today. First, I have vowed to try out new recipes. See, I love to cook. I think it is because it can be like a puzzle where you have to make all of the pieces fit together perfectly, or you get mush! Also, I did not learn many culinary skills as a girl. Not to blame my mother’s skills (although she is not much of the cooking type), but I place the bulk of the blame on my Dad’s poor palate! He always enjoyed the five food groups, pizza, tacos, spaghetti, hamburgers, and stir fry beef and green beans. It was great! And the guy always had perfect cholesterol – go figure! (and if he could come to dinner at my house, I am certain I would cook one of those things!) Anyways, I wanted to cook different things or thing that I used to cook for Justin and myself before the babies came along!

I also vowed to do the dishes EVERY night. This is a big one for me. We do not have a dishwasher, so I would often put off washing one or two cups which quickly mounded into two sinks full! I think the kids can learn self-discipline from me when they see me sticking to this task.

Thirdly, I ask God daily to make Himself real to me. To reveal parts of His nature and His will to me. My part of the barging was to be diligent in looking for these revelations. Sometimes they come in prayer, Bible study, through talking with Justin, friends, or even the kids. But tonight, He used something completely different.

Monday night I cook baked boneless pork chops with “THE Barbecue Sauce” – which is a secret recipe! I learned the definition of “baked on” food to the Pyrex dishes! So, as promised, I washed all of the dishes Monday night. I was unhappy with the results of the Pyrex, so I allowed them to soak overnight. This morning I still was not happy, so I put more detergent (which by the way it takes WAY more than a teaspoon for this stain!) and hot water and let them soak all day.

Which brings us to tonight. As I was scrubbing I began thinking, “You know, this IS clean. Even though there are still spots and blemishes on the dish, it is okay like it is. I mean does it have to be perfect? Maybe I should just give up!”
That’s when it hit me! This must be exactly how God feels when He looks at me. He is not satisfied to let there be one spot or blemish on me! He keeps scrubbing, washing, rinsing, and repeating on me. Everyday he cleans me all up and I seem to get new spots on me. But He does not give up on me. He knows that my soul can be restored to a place where He is first and my focus is on walking in His will.

Praise God is all I can say. “Thank you Lord for not settling for a few spots on me. You keep working with me because You see purpose behind everything in my life. My perfection will not be obtained until I reach heaven, but with Your Word in my heart and Your Spirit in my life I will press on! Thank you for continuing to work on me until I am spotless…” ~Amen~

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