Monday, January 21, 2008

Why Ask Why

January 20, 2008
With the exception of Jesus, no human ever to live has fully understood the plans of God. Even the prophets of the Old Testament who warned God’s people and delivered details about His plans to the people were not aware of all of the “WHYS” behind God’s plan. In this same way, I must admit that I have not always understood WHY God works in the ways He does. WHY did a three-year-old have to fight the grown-up battle of cancer? WHY could I not take her pain and hurt away?
One of my favorite Bible stories is found in Genesis chapters 37-47. This is the life story of Joseph; the most loved of Jacob’s sons. God’s plan for this young man is full of twists and turns. When reading this story, you must remember that none of the parties mentioned (Joseph, his brothers, or Jacob) could look into the future and see the outcome God had planned all along. In this same way, I could not look past Carys’ diagnosis and see the wondrous ways God had planned to use my little girl and our family.
Joseph was young when his brothers sold him into slavery. I think it would be safe to say that he did not understand why all of these things were happening to him. In some ways it contradicted everything he knew about God’s character and the Scripture. God was the loving Sheppard of Israel. He promised to protect and keep those who honored His Law. Had Joseph (and Jacob) not done this? Had they not honored God with their lives and decisions? In retrospect, that is exactly WHY God moved the brothers to sell Joseph. Without this bold move, Jacob and his family would not have found refuge in Egypt during the famine (chapter 42). What seemed like a curse on Joseph/Jacob was actually God exercising His foreknowledge and making a way to preserve this family who had chosen to follow Him among many pagan peoples.
We are not at the end of Carys’ journey with cancer. However, I can already see some of God’s master plan coming to fruition in our lives. There are people we could not have reached or even known had we not been in all of the places God put us in over the past few months. Most importantly, I have had so many opportunities to show God’s love, mercy, and saving grace to others as a result of this illness.
I still do not “understand” WHY God does a lot of things. Why do His people who are serving Him have to experience the heart break of having a sick child or even losing their precious child? But, as I read this story in Genesis, I see no mention of Jacob or Joseph asking God “WHY”. I do not think it is wrong to ask WHY, I just think it is pointless. There is no way that we could possibly understand God’s WHYS because we cannot understand God in our present spiritual state.
I like to think God has more important things for me to worry about! This may sound strange. How could God have anything else for me to do other than take care of my daughter? Well, from my perspective, GOD is the one taking care of Carys. He does not want me to sit around asking WHY. He wants me out working for Him; showing others the fruits of my prayer. The love and grace that He has so richly blessed me with, he wants me to share with OTHERS. He wants me to have JOY. This comes when I put things into this perspective Jesus, Others, then You(me). Neither Joseph nor Jacob stopped serving or trusting God even though they both faced hardships along their journeys.

Heavenly Father,
Thank you for lifting me up during this time. Thank you for the gifts of Your Word and the Holy Spirit who guides me as I study. It amazes me each time I open your Word how much I have to learn and how applicable it is to my life. Please help me help others by sharing what you put in my heart. I love the feeling I get when I feel Your arms around me.
I do not understand why the Burgees family is suffering tonight. I do KNOW that You are mighty and still on the throne. I wish that I could share with them the peace and comfort that You have given to me over the past few months. Prayer is all I have to offer them. PLEASE wrap your arms of love around them. Help them to Praise you In THEIR Storm!
Help me this week to seek more about You and Your will. The Bible says those who seek You will find You. I know You mean in salvation, but I also think You mean in spiritual growth also. I want to be MORE like You.
Keep me strong and serving. Give me opportunities to share and the discernment to see when You place those opportunities in my path.
I Love You! Thank You for Carys’ progress. I pray for a good week of “normal” activities. As we approach the beginning of the next round of treatment, I pray you will build up her counts and strength to endure the chemo/radiation. I pray as she receives treatment that You will guide the chemicals directly to the cells that need to die and spare the rest of her little body from the side effects! I KNOW that You can perform this Miracle so I call on You once again. May You gain all of the Praise, Honor, and Glory from our lives and her healing!
In Jesus Precious Name,

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