Friday, January 11, 2008


As you all can probably tell, Carys' recovery is going great. I continue to find verses in the Bible that ensure the faithful who ask things of God believing that He has the power will recieve blessings.

Does this mean that eveyone who prays gets what they want? Does it mean that when God says "no" or "wait" to someone that they are not faithful? Certainly NOT! That is hard to swallow while here at the hospital. Our first two days in PICU, there were two deaths. I know those families, and their communities were praying, seeking to hold on to their child's life. It would be judgemental and just plain WRONG to assume they are not faithful or did not ask hard enough. God has a plan that none of us understand. It is hard to sit in the PICU waiting room with people who's kids are fighting to live (sometimes loosing that fight) and say that Carys is doing great. Once, I even hesitated to say how blessed we were beacuse I did not want the grandmother to think God was not blessing them.

With all of this said, I find myself sometimes asking myself why God has chosen to show favor over me and my child. Then I realize that I am asking the wrong person! So, I decided to spend some time in prayer last night over this issue. I have come to this conclusion.

1) God was preforming this miricle in Carys not just FOR me or BECAUSE of my faith but He is doing it for our entire community. Through Carys, so many people are seeing the evidence of their faith.

2) Also, I know that He has a special plan for her in her life. I pray each day that she will realize that God has delivered her from this BECAUSE He wants her life to be a testament of His grace and mercy.

3) God expects us to pray with the same fervor and believe with the same depth about EVERY part of our lives. Not just when we need/want something. I think I was pretty good about this before Carys was sick but I know this has deepened by walk with Him. I now find "little" things to pray about and I know that I am more intune with other's needs.

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