Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Trials – Thoughts from James (Jan 22, 2008)

Sometimes as I think about our family through Carys’ sickness it is hard for me to call these times of trials. However, I know that is what they are; times for Satan to tempt us to waiver in our faith. With God’s grace, I pray we will continue to praise His name in the mist of these times.
I heard the words of James 1:2-4 on the radio tonight as I cleaned the kitchen after supper. Every time I hear the Bible I am amazed at how personal it is. Although it was written somewhere around 60-50s B.C. it is still applicable to our Christian walks today. The thoughts behind this blog began in James, touch on the writings of Paul and also led me to examine the story of Job. The Bible is a wonderful book that works together New and Old to help me focus on fulfilling God’s call on my life.
James wrote to early Christians who were scattered and impoverished. His words not only apply to them, but to our daily lives as we strive to serve God and prevent Satan from gaining ANY glory from our actions.
Verse 2-3 says that we should count it joy when we are in times of trial. This is the attitude I pray for daily. I want to look at Carys’ sickness as an opportunity. An opportunity to grow and allow Him to put me into a new position in His will.
I have never claimed to be a patient person! Verse three tells us that such times produce patience. Oh how I wish I could have learned my lessons about patience sooner before Carys had to suffer. But, I go on believing that God has great things for her as well.
I had to read verse 4 over and over and meditate in prayer about its meaning. Particularly, what was the meaning of the word perfect? Did this verse suggest that I could obtain any level of perfection in this life? Then, like a flash from the past, words to and old familiar song came to me. “He’s still working on me. To make me what I ought to be.” Paul described life as a race. We are always striving for the finish line (spiritual perfection). Although we will never reach this goal until God completes His work in us, the ONLY way we can please Him is in striving for that perfection, Christ-like perfection, in all that we do each day.
All of us face trials. Not everyone loses a loved one, faces financial difficulties, or has to fight a battle with cancer. For some reason, I have endured all three! James 1:13 says God does not “bring” these things into our lives, but He allows us to experience them. (This can be seen very clearly in the story of Job.) No matter what our trial, we MUST remember who is in control of the entire universe. How small we must be in the grand scheme of things but yet the Bible tells us to remember how He cares for the lilies and how much more He must care for our lives.
Heavenly Father,
Once again I come humbly before Your throne. Thank You for allowing me the privilege of coming to You and depending on You in my times of need. I want to thank You also for allowing me times of trial in my life. It seems strange to thank You that Carys has cancer. That is not it. I want to thank You for choosing me. I consider it an honor to be allowed to endure these times of trial. As I read Job and consider the conversation between You and satan, it makes me wonder. Did you also mention our family to him to endure these trials? If so, thank You. It is truly an honor to show him that You and Your grace are greater that ALL my sin!
I continue to grieve with the Burgess family tonight. I know that they are leaning on You but that does not make their human desires to hold their child any less. Please give them comfort in knowing that tonight the Creator of heaven and earth holds their child close in their place.
In this same way, I ask you to surround my children with your Holy Spirit and keep them safe. Provide not just physical safety, but safety from the spiritual threats that are present in this world. Help me to teach them to be in this world but not OF IT! Give us discernment as we make decisions for them.
I ask you to continue to help me find ways to praise You in the Storm of my life. I feel a great peace that Carys will be OK. Please never let me lose my fervor to serve You! I love You and praise You for Your MANY blessings!

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