Similes are used throughout the Bible. Most often, things are likened to normal, everyday items or examples that the most common of people can relate to. I guess this is one reason I am drawn to the study of history. Without historical context, much of the Bible seems like meaningless examples.
In 2 Corinthians chapter 4, Paul describes the ministry of the Gospel and our relationship to this. I began studying this passage of scripture a few weeks ago. I could never quite nail down what God wanted me to understand. Then, I listened to Rick Burgess’ speech on the internet. Although he never went to these specific passages, I understood then what the Holy Spirit was laying on my heart.
We humans are here for one very specific purpose; to serve God. And He has one very specific goal for us; to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with the lost and dying world around us. Not every believer is called into vocational or full time ministry like being a pastor, teacher or missionary. However, each and every believer has a call to share the Gospel and live out the truths of the Bible in their lives.
So, what are you doing to further the Gospel and expand the Kindgom of Christ? Are you searching the Bible for verses that draw you closer to Him and that will help you help others realize that the Holy Spirit is calling them to salvation? Are you teaching you children that the ONLY thing that matters in this life is what they accomplish for Christ? How much time have you spent in prayer for your neighbor or co-worker because you know they need Christ and His love to make it in eternity?
These questions are not meant to condemn or judge. I had to ask them to myself. I had to examine how important the work of God was to me. I know that God is calling me to serve Him in some new and different way. Although I do not fully understand what ways He wants to use me, I am willing to give of myself and time to read His Word, pray, and seek out that path. Right now, I will continue to write what He tells me to write.
Read 2 Corinthians chapter 4 yourself and decide if your faith is veiled. Are you letting His light shine through you? Verse seven describes the gift of the Gospel as a treasure. We are simply the “earthen vessels” or “jars of clay” that God chose to use to share the way of salvation to the world.
In Bible times jars of clay were plain, ordinary vessels used to store all types of things. Usually, nothing of great value would be kept inside. Sometimes, a family might hide some valuables in these containers as no thief would look in these worthless pots. I would say this is similar to when people stuff money in their mattress or coffee can.
What we must understand is God chose to use just plain ordinary vessels to hide His most valuable gift; JESUS. Not only did Jesus come to earth as a human, but He lives today in the hearts and lives of all believers. We must understand this and take on the awesome responsibility of tending to our Father’s work here on earth. What would Jesus find you busy doing if He returned today?!?