Thursday, March 10, 2011

Pondering Love...

This is my love...

He is everything you might imagine. Wonderful, strong, handsome, kind, and very loving. It is an honor to be called his wife. I love the picture above. It so captures him. He is a not a big fan of being photographed so when I catch one like this I cherish it.

I could not begin to describe all the ways he loves me. I know that he loves me no matter what. It is a type of love that mirrors the type of love that God has for me. Most people do not realize that marriage was designed by God to help us become better Believers. It was made to be work because through this type of love both parties learn so much about themselves. Being so close to someone helps you identify the areas of life in which you are in need of improvement. You practice love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and self-control...just to name a few. Its not like Justin says,"Hey, you need more kindness today" but God sometimes uses our circumstances to teach me just that!
I'm not sure if you guys know this but Justin and I do just about everything together. We are blessed to enjoy the same interest of which serving God, loving each other, raising God-loving and kind children, having labs, and hunting top the list! I have realized that not all couples have this type of relationship which is fine. But, it makes me respect Justin that much more for truly letting me into "his" world.

The Bible tells me that I was made to be his helper. I pray that I live up to that title. I pray that my very existence makes his journey easier.

Our almost-nine year marriage has been blessed beyond belief. I love to quote Psalm 126:3 "The Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with joy!" I feel that this verse was written just for me! It applies to so many different aspects of my life; including my marriage.

I am not sure I conveyed any of my feelings in this post. I just love that man SO much and I want the world to know that I have THE.BEST.HUSBAND...EVER :)

1 comment:

Jenny Cottingham said...

He's a great son too! People tell me all the time what a nice young man Justin is, which I already knew of course. So proud of both of you. We are blessed.
Love, Grammy