Monday, March 28, 2011

All These Things...

These words have been in my heart a lot the past few days. 

We have just closed out the scheduled services for our Spring Revival at church. From the atmosphere, I feel like revival is far from over! This is true for me especially! I was so touched by each and every service and am grateful for having experienced each blessing.

Matthew 6:33 states "But seek first the kingdom for God and His righteousness, and all these things hall be added to you."

That's a well know verse. I mean it is probably right up there with one of the first scriptures I memorized. Remember in this post when I confessed to you guys that I had been selfish and tried to control various aspects of my life. Knowing full well that God was hoping I would just give it all to Him to work out? And then in my last post I took the time to tell you how blessed I was for the peace that God had put in my heart. 

Now I feel its time to reveal a little more about what God is doing in my heart. If you go back a read blogs from the past several years you will see that over and over I have made statements like :"God is about to move" or "changes are in store for my family." I was reading over these this weekend and I was struck by the fact that some of those times (although I was fully expecting God to move) I did not ALLOW Him to much of anything. 

Well, I'm ready. I was reminded that the BEST feeling in life is when I remember that my life is not my own and I should just give it to Him already!!! That's what I am ready to do. Give Him my life. Not just my marriage, not just my talents, not just my kids, not just my money, not just my time, MY LIFE...all of it. I am at a point where I not only know but BELIEVE that I might as well not have life if I am not going to give it to Him. I mean in my head I know that I can do nothing that comes anywhere close to what He can do with me. 

I have hobbies, interest, and goals for my family. I love to live in the country. I mean, I go to neighborhoods and I think how nice the homes are but geez-louise to not be able to take the dogs out half-dressed, or allow the kids to romp partially unsupervised. Who would want to live where you could NOT hear coyotes for goodness sakes! I like to hunt. I mean, if I lived anywhere else I would have to (gasp) drive somewhere to hunt. That would seriouly limit the time that Justin and I could spend in the woods. I like to train my labs. Where could I go that I could have space not just for them to live but to train them??
Y'all may be laughing at me right now but this is seriously thoughts I have. Then I think about money. I mean, IF anything were to ever happen to mine or Justin's jobs what is out there for us to do? I mean we have to have clothes. We have to have food. We have to have all of these things...

That is when it hit me! Re-read Matthew 6:33 again!

Duh! If you start reading in Matthem 6:25 you find instructions not to worry. If God gives you a something to do to serve Him you should not stop and ask what will I eat? what will I drink? what will happen to my body? what will I wear? The end of verse 25 says, "Is not life more than food and the body more that clothing?" 

God brought me into this world. He gave me a set of abilities. He saved me (redeemed me), He set me apart for His use (sanctified me),  and He has kept me (prospered me). All things He promised He would do if I trusted Him. Personally, I think it is about time that I start REALLY living out Matthew 6:33

"Seek Ye First the kingdom of God..."

For me, right now, today, this means seeking out what direction He wants me to go. Be listening, watching, and waiting for Him to let me know what I should do and then........

Jump, go, do, be, share, love....what ever verb is approrate for the task He sets before me. 


I will not stop to consider all these things (as listed above). I will believe...

"and all these things will be added unto you!"

Father, please help me to find what it is You have for me to do. Help me to see that nothing in life has value unless you are at the center of it. Give me strength to face those who might be negative and keep me focused on seeking FIRST Your kingdom and your righteousness. amen

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