The idea for this comparison came to me last night as I tried to sleep on a hospital "chair-bed". I could not get comfortable so I decided that I needed to spend a little more time praying before falling to sleep. I had already asked God to forgive me and remove any remaining doubt from my heart. Then He reminded me that I have a strong and steady foundation; for I have chosen to build my life and family upon the ROCK and when life's storms come we have the promise of his unfailing stability.
Therefore know that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His comandments. Deuteronomy 7:9
Wow! when was this scrpirture written? It feels like it was written yesterday but I know that actually it was a couple thousand years ago! One thing we can count on from God is that His character is unchanging.
In salvation, we (meaning I) entered a convenant with God. One where He provides us with eternal life for the "small price" of belief in the power of Jesus' blood over our sins. I say "small price" because it seems to simple for us to say but as humans with sin nature, sometimes it is difficult for people to do. That is evident beacuse there are still lost people. In this covenant, God offers grace, mercy, love, protection, guidence, and healing to our spirit when we are broken.
If you examine verses like Deuteronomy 7:9 and Romans 8:28 they testify to God's faithfulness and sovereignty. BUT, they have requirement on our end of the covenent. Deut says God is faithful to those who love Him and keep His comandments. Romans Says things work out for good for those who Love Him and are Called for His purpose.
So, I want to try today, and from now on to develop more love for Christ and His work. And most importantly after accepting Chirst as savior. I want to be in God's will and working for His purpose inorder that more people might come to know Him and reap the benifits of having the stability of Chirst "The Rock".
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