I am not going to devote more that one sentence to the fact that I have not written in a long time. Admittedly, I have wondered over my blogging "break" if God really still had stuff for me to share in this way. But, I was reminded this week that my blessings are too great not to share them. What often seems like the non-sense of my daily life is, in fact, the perfect Will of God. So, I write...
Sunday, September 4, 2011 marked the 3rd Anniversary of the day that Carys received her first "off-treatment" scans and was, for the first time declared cancer-free! My father-in-law described it best when he stated that if that Carys' healing was the only blessing we ever received for the rest of our lives...we would not live long enough to run out of blessing from that one act of God! Thankfully, God has chosen to do so much more for me and my family that just this one blessing!
So, three years later I live to make sure that I nor anyone else who knows Carys forgets what God has done for her; for us! The most obvious thing is that she is healed. I speak this as fact. Despite the fact that we will return to Children's next month for a check-up...I choose to believe that she is in fact completely healed. But today as I write I hope to do one more thing. I hope to make everyone aware of the one of the other great blessings that came from our journey.
"As for God, His way is perfect" Psalm 18:30
Because of all that happened to my daughter over three years ago...I have no problem BELIEVING this verse. It means I don't get discouraged easily. One of the biggest blessings that came from her illness was the spiritual growth that occurred. I mean, during that time in my life I HAD to have faith. There was no other option. No doctor or nurse could tell me for sure that my daughter would survive or if she would have any long term effects from her treatment. I learned the God's ways, however foreign they may seem to us, are ALWAYS perfect.
I think too often we get caught up in the circumstances we face in life to realize that God knew we would be where we are before we got here! He has prepared a perfect beginning, middle, and ending for each phase of our lives. Nothing happens by accident. I could give you details of things that have happened to me over the past few months that would show you this is true. They would not mean as much to you because they are my things. So, I challenge you to think...
Where has God brought you to today? What is your attitude about where God has placed you? Are you truly believing that He has put you there? That He has prepared everyone and everything for you? Are you trusting Psalm 18:30? Is His way perfect or would you do it different if you could.
Think about these things. Pray. Seek God's advice about your attitudes, your direction, your faith. His word says, "seek and ye shall find!"
If you have a few minutes...go back and look at some of my old post over the past few years. Look where God has brought me through and it will prove Psalm 18:30 over and over!
~God Bless~
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