Saturday, July 23, 2011

What I Learned This Week

This week I learned a lot! I would probably surprise you really, how much you are capable of learning in just one week...Some of the things I learned have a lot to do with insurance, others are just life lessons, while still others are confidential matters that friends asked me to keep between me and God. I just learned so much.

The first thing I learned is something I already knew. Sometimes I get that attitude, you know the one. The "Yea, yea, I already know this stuff" attitude. Well, sometimes I think God repeats lessons to us so that we can really know them...or really know Him...I'm not sure which. This week He taught me, yet again, that His plans are always perfect. Over the past few months I could have never predicted where I would be right now, how I would be feeling, or how big I would be blessed. But guess what? God knew it all along! (Jeremiah 29:11). "Duh, Alison!"

I also learned that it hard (long) work will not kill you. In fact, it might actually be the very best thing for you! I worked about 42 hours this week. This work was not laboring, but it was a doing a task that is completely new to me. Mentally, it was very tiring. Also, many of these hours were in the evenings when I am usually with my family. This too, was different. However, I never once felt exhausted and better yet...I did not have one single headache. You know, sometimes God gives you "signs" and "wonders" to let you know things. Sure, we know He did this in the Bible...but when is the last time you have looked for a sign from God? The past 8-10 months I have been plagued with unexplainable headaches. I know deep down it was stress and the fact that I was not following God's plan. I was not letting Him lead. I was trying to stay in control of my life rather than let go and let God. I believe wholeheartedly that the headaches are gone...for good.

I also learned that it is possible that God created me to be good at more than one thing and to help people in more than one way. Some of you may not be aware of this...because I was not very translucent with my life...but in May I was told that my contract with the school board would not be renewed this year. The primary reason was because of a test that I took in December of 2009. The results of this test were never reported to the State Department of Education. I went to UA on that day and took that test. However, for some reason unknown to me the test results cannot be found. It is a weight I carried around for about a year. I know I took the test, but I struggled with others thinking that I was lying about this. It really bothered me; the idea of people thinking I was a liar. The Bibb County system was wonderful to help me in any way they could. ACT (the writers and scoring agency) for the test had employees digging in two year old files in a warehouse looking for my test. It was not there. I was not wronged by anyone and I did not do any wrong. It just happened.

Today, I describe the events that led me to this point in life unexplainable. But, I no longer think of ,y situation as a negative thing. Think about many things God does that are unexplainable! How is Carys healed...unexplainable! How is it that Jesus was conceived of a virgin...unexplainable! How is it that God gave up His Perfect Son for me sins...unexplainable. So you see, I refuse to take the life God has given me and be ashamed or sad at anything that He puts in it! Unexplainable or not...He has a plan (Jeremiah 29:11)

So, I have started a new career. Its so strange because I would have never thought of myself as anything other than a teacher. I guess that is why I struggled so much. I was really good a teaching; honestly,  I was. And, I really loved the students I taught. Even now as I think of them I know I will miss them! However, God has started a new work in me. I know that He has all types of plans for me. You might remember me writing a while back about being ready to GO wherever God sent me. Its kinda funny now because although I am not going to Africa on missions...with my new job I am going! Going to whom ever he sends me in front of.

I pray that who ever I meet from day-to-day that they will see HIM. Please pray for that. Pray that I will be able to be a light for Him and that in everything I do, others will see Him!

"Thank you Lord for teaching me this week!"


Mrs. Hubbard said...

God bless you Alyson.

-blessed holy socks, the non-perishable-zealot said...

What have I learned in my 41 years? Basically, this earth is ruled by the 33 at the top of the pyramid and they control our 'prez' like a puppet. Where am I going at The End? The same realm as you. Heaven. Leeeve this world through prayer, giving, fasting, mortification, and meet me Upstairs, girl, where I shall kiss thy wonderfull, beautifull feet for the length of eternity. God bless you. Be at peace.

Mike said...

Great article, great pictures.