Monday, May 17, 2010

Final Beach Post

We are home.
It is very bittersweet.

There are no words to describe the level of blessed that I feel. I just got back from a wonderful vacation. I have such a wonderful family {both that were on vacation with us and at home!} My mom stepped up and took care of all of our plants and animals while we were gone. THANK YOU Mother for doing that! The kids were absolutely wonderful while we were on the trip. The were together 24/7 for 4 days straight and did not get into any major skirmishes! My dear husband suffered from a toothache {he is on his way for a root canal this morning} the entire trip, but was a trooper and spent LOADS of time the kids which they LOVED! He even afforded me a little alone time to just sit and pray or be on the computer and edit photos! We stayed up late and slept in. We ate well and just took a short breather to get me through the next week or two of school. It was wonderful.

I hesitated before posting all of that. I know that there are people reading who's lives are not so blissful. Who have all sorts of things going on right now. They are just as bogged down with work as I am, but there may not be a beach vacation in their near future. They may not have the loving, devoted husband I have. Or, {the one that hits home the most} they may not have two happy healthy children running and playing like mine.

I stopped for just a moment to remember the moments when I felt hopeless and desperate for something to happen. Anything. Just anything that would make me feel better than my circumstances. But those were only moments. Then I realized {even back then} what I HAD. Life, given to be by a Savior to live out for His glory. And I realized that I HAD to post all of these wonderful things so that everyone can see what GOD CAN do. He is wonderful! Trusting in Him provides all that you need to carry on through the tough times and really soak up the glorious times. I realized that were it not for those "dark" times in my life I would NOT be able to see how truly spectacular my life is today!

Back to the beach...
Here is the boat we went on.

Here are the boat's Captain and Co-Captain!

Daddy and Sawyer enjoying the view from the front deck. It was so interesting to see how the sails work and how fast the boat moved through the water using just what God had provided!

Pop on deck. It was also very relaxing.

Grandmother Cottingham really enjoyed herself. And looked amazing!

Grammy and Carys on the boat before we left the dock.

Justin loves the water and this was also his first time on a sailboat.

Sawyer was very intrigued by the boat. At one point, he asked where the captain's "pirates" were. It was so funny! He is a really comical {but serious} child.

If you do not know, sailboats lean. As the winds shift or the captain changes directions and the sails move, the boat leans. Our captain was great to tell us when this was going to happen. I quite liked it, but it could make some people queasy I'm sure.

Carys loved the wind.

Isn't she lovely!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures!! Can you email me at and let me know what editing software you are using? We just cancelled our vacation to Gulf Shores and I am so sad...last year, my dad had a stroke just as we arrived and this year we were to celebrate. We didn't know what the beaches would be like so we cancelled while we could still get our deposit back on the house we rented.
