Monday, March 1, 2010


So, O told you all that my friend Kimberly @ The Phillips Family shared some of her latest goals she has set for herself. I too would like to set some short-term goals for myself. I have decided to print out the list on pretty paper, becuase I am a VERY visual person, in hopes that this will help me stay on track.

I thought and prayed a lot over these goals. First, I had to remember that they are short-term goals and that they need to be 1) attainable and 2) measurable. The latter is very important to me. See, I believe that I "CAN" complete any goal I set for myself (Romans 8:28). But I need these goals to be things that I can set specific paramatiers arond to see how I am measuring up to where I need to be to get these goals accomplished.

Some of these seem "important" and other may not be to you, but again, I think I must lists them for my own accountability. So, here goes!

P.S. I randomly decided to set 10 short-term goals for myself

1) Nail-down theme and order t-shirts for Relay for Life {by the end of this week.}

2) Raise $3000.00 for Realy for Life {by May 1.}

3) Contact designer for Blog Make-over {by the end of this week.}
4) Organize recent photos both on-line and in print {by the end of March.}

5) Send handwritten notes (not email!) to Friends to let them know I am thinking of and praying for them {during the month of March.}

6) Have the kitchen, dining room, and living room ready for new floors/paint {by spring break.}

7) Devote one hour per week to photography {per week in the month of March.}

8) Clean out Carys' closet! {by the end of March.}

9) Have my UA classwork for March finished AHEAD of schedule {by March 6th.}

10) Organize my office at work {before I leave for spring break!}

There you go! Nothing fancy, but what a busy month I will have!

1 comment:

Phillips Family said...

Those sound like great goals! Good idea about the visual list. I can't wait to see your home updates! Say a prayer for Cory and me as we try to find a church that is the right fit for our family. That is one of my mental goals :)